
AMAZON,TRIP.COM use buy in my BLOGWAY,me to eat food,SHELTER,dress,GET OUT FROM INDIA by getting my things removed from indiascountrees,my RICHEST LIFE india assholepassii ate being as ?

Where I'm there & all I need other male powerful countries flight, ships parked for my security now reaching sep 2023 at dangerous country India. (My life?) I am not willing to live in india,I need my all thing's remove soon from all. Eating my time each day by criminal people's keep severe observation on india. save me soon from India as  this seen eyes of international hr org reach soon  as fast before Indians?here? Not willing is from 2008.but what doing done is?evidence to be strong each day. FROM 2008 NO INCOME, NO FOOD, NO SHELTER, COMPLAINTED WAITING FOR MALE PENIS POWERFUL COUNTRIES IN WORLD .. AGAINST INDIA , ENEMY COUNTRIES FOR INDIASCOUNTREES 2010 KOREA ku complainted is asshole pee not having india  jumping nondi...still years going as india is again & again but that?. remove my things everything from indias countrees-remove faster give to me now 2024 till india dancing there brothelsuite sutula no pee means PEE WITH ASSHOLE show nu CRIMINALINDIA My comp

AMAZON,TRIP.COM use buy in my BLOGWAY, me only have to live , I have to eat food, SHELTER,dress,GET OUT FROM INDIA by getting my things removed from indiascountrees,my RICHEST LIFE. mUNda org india using pussbuchieboob bombs also